Assuming you have a USD account on Bistamp, you need to create an API access in order to use our software tool on your account.
We strongly recommend you create a sub account on bitstamp to use our service, in this way you can track our service independently from your manual activity that might happen in the main account or in other sub accounts. In order to appreciate our software licence, we recommend you don’t add discretionary trades in the sub account.The steps to follow are the following:
1) Create a sub account (call it arbcircle if you wish, our API is not relying on sub account name)
In account dashboard got to Sub Accounts -> Active Sub Accounts -> press Create New button
Insert the name you wish (for example arbcircle) and click Create Sub Account
You will see the new sub account created at the bottom of the page
2) Create API information to be shared on arbcircle internal user page
In Account dashboard go to Security -> API Access -> Click New API Key button
Switch on specific permissions for the sub account for the API access as highlighted below (WE WILL NEVER ASK YOU PERMISSION TO WITHDRAW MONEY):
Click enter and confirm through your two-factor authentication (if you have it) the selected details.
Once you create the API key, you need to provide in our internal client area the following information:
- your bitstamp id
- your key that you could find in the blue area in the picture below
- the secret key that you could find in the black area in the picture below (PLEASE SAVE IT SOMEWHERE THIS because once the API is confirmed it becomes hidden)
You click activate, you will receive a confirmation email to approve the new API. Once you approve it you will see the following screen on your account
Please insert the 3 codes (ID, Key, Secret) in our internal user page